Sophia Tillbury

name Sophia Tillbury

age 19

pronouns she/her

sexuality lesbian totally straight

weapon denial

abilities banshee scream, withering touch, mediocre haikus, comedy relief

Weapons Attack
Dodging (Physical)
Physical Touch
Withering Touch


Sophia is, above all else, well-meaning and sincere, however the track between her brain and her mouth is unbelievably short. She came to the house with her "friend," Evie, but has been alone for a long time. Her denial over her own mortality is only rivaled by her denial of her own sexuality.


Levitation: As a ghost, Sophia can use her levitation abilities to reach things the others can't.

Withering Touch: Sophia can use her ghostly powers to suck the lifeforce out of another being using just a touch of her hand.


Will Baxter: Will is Sophia's high school boyfriend. Before she came to the House, they had planned to travel to Europe together and spend their gap year traveling the continent.

Evie Baxter: Evie is the older sister of Will, though she isn't particularly close with her family. Her and Sophia became rather close after meeting when she was in town, and Evie invited her along to explore the House with her and her friends. Whether she made it out of the House or is still trapped in there somewhere is unknown.

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