The Darkest House is a TTRPG published by Monte Cook Games in 2021. In it, you find yourself as the newest victim to the House, a century-, or perhaps even longer, old house of innumerable rooms, monsters, and secrets. It was once owned by a man named Phillip Harlock, though many have come after him, and even fewer have lived to tell the tale. The smart thing would be to turn back now - but we all know that isn't happening, is it?
The SystemThe Darkest House runs on a very simple dice system requiring just 3d6 - two for checks, and one for the House die. The House die can save you in a pinch. The House die can also be your end. With each action, you roll the House die - should this die roll higher than either of your action dice, then the House will act. You do not want the House to act. The House is not your friend.
The GameOur game started on August 17th, 2024. Our lovely GM has set up a system for asynchronous play, in which our two groups, Green Team and Blue Team, have become trapped in the House and must work together to find our ways out. Existing on two separate planes, we can only interact indirectly, yet our actions influence each other more than we could know.
We might all be a little bit obsessed with this game. There is art. There is fic. There is an honest to god song about my character (no, I can't give you a good explanation for this one, yes, I do think it is perhaps the greatest thing ever created). I can only predict there will be much, much more to come.
The door to the House is open - do you accept the invitation?